Quality, Safety, Health & Environment


At Kingo Wind, we have a constant focus on QSHE. Quality assurance management is integrated into all processes, and we continuously educate our employees in operating procedures, safety, and the environment. The QSHE requirements specified in a tender or agreed upon in an order, are incorporated into a QMS (Quality Management System) plan that covers our processes process. For any specific process, we always establish a tender specific QSHE plan.

If obstacles arise that affect the agreed-upon quality, work is stopped to give you the opportunity to adjust expectations or requirements for the final result. Corrective actions are agreed upon, and work is resumed. We follow our QSHE plan throughout and adjust planning to handle any potential deviations immediately.


We always conduct workplace assessments for all sites in the QMS framework and proactively engage with the health and safety coordinator of our partners.

On-site, we conduct our regular safety rounds. These rounds are compared with partner coordinator’s ongoing site inspections and are discussed in joint safety meetings.


Kingo Wind’s goal is to ensure the highest possible re-use and recycling rates of decommissioned materials. This is done in accordance with the waste hierarchy in the waste management regulation.

To ensure high rates of re-use and recycling, we employ a double craning approach with our partners, such that wind turbine components, such as turbine blades and rotors, are not damaged during decommissioning. This means that the structural integrity and aesthetic properties of materials are intact, rendering them suitable for re-use.

If there is a risk of disturbing neighbors in the area, we ensure compliance with the relevant rules through a temporary environmental permit. The permit regulates the conditions for nuisances such as noise, vibrations, and dust.

Kingo Wind uses the latest demolition equipment designed for construction works, and can thus take special considerations that reduce these nuisances to a large extent. We use hydraulic crushers for our machines, allowing us to perform gentle demolition works on sites.

If there is a risk of dust, we set up misting machines to reduce dust spread.