It is Kingo Wind’s policy to always focus on social responsibility in society by:
- Having a management system certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. Read more about our certifications and see the certificates here.
- Mapping all requirements from customers and other stakeholders, selecting focus areas based on risks and opportunities, and incorporating them into our goals and action plans in our management system.
- Creating challenging, positive, and inspiring workplaces.
- Setting goals for employee well-being and conducting annual well-being surveys among all employees.
- Staying ahead of social developments in the industry through membership in the Danish Construction Federation (DI Byggeri) and the Danish Association for Responsible Construction (FBSA).
- Imposing requirements on suppliers to prevent chain fraud and ensure chain responsibility throughout the value chain. Chain fraud and failing chain responsibility undermine fair and healthy competition.
- Ensuring knowledge sharing within our organization and through active participation with presentations at courses and conferences where our knowledge has value.
- Offering further education to our employees.
- Accepting interns from higher education programs, including engineers, construction managers, environmental technologists, etc., into our organization.
- Participating in local job projects, job trials, and “flex-job” roles.
- Sponsoring cultural and sports events.
The Kingo Group is the first in Denmark to establish an agreement with the United Federation of Danish Workers (3F), ensuring that the employees of our subcontractors are covered by the provisions of collective bargaining agreements under 3F’s collective bargaining umbrella.